Photo Nov 15, 5 08 36 PM (5).jpg

 Patreon Headquarters Murals

Building 180 worked with Patreon, an online platform that provides tools for artists to earn a monthly income, to curate their new headquarters in San Francisco. Building 180 was tasked with curating the space and producing over 10 murals with 6 local artists to ensure a new look and feel. The assignment was to bring in a local and diverse set of artists and they wanted the artist to represent the company's DNA, the employee base and most importantly, they wanted the artists to work without any design direction and with total creative freedom. This makes Patreon a dream client, but also challenged Building 180 to carefully select artists whose work would flow well together without the added need for cross collaboration. For us, that was easy, we worked with artists who had initial drive and intent but also who were able to work with site specific direction and evolve with the space. The outcome was out of this world. Never had we had so much creative freedom and never have we seen an office shine so bright.

San Francisco, CA

Art Integration:
Mural curation
Production Management